Fibreglass Lined Concrete Pools and pool paints

There are small number of pools constructed with a reinforced concrete shell that have been lined with a fiberglass layer. The fiberglass layer is often applied some time after construction as a repair system. There are some cases when its installed as part of the original construction.

The main issues with such pools is that fibreglass eventually dis-attaches from concrete creating voids that fill with water, dirt and algae. Many liners then fail and come away in sections, creating  ragged sharp edges.  Finally they degrade as per fibreglass pools, with worn, bare areas on steps etc.

Our products has been successfully applied to a number of such pools. 

Preparation of such surfaces is a very important part of successful application. 

The condition of the fiberglass is what you need to inspect very carefully.

A little worn in some places, where you can see fibreglass (clear brown with visible fibers), but still well attached, this makes it quite straight forward to deal with. However usually we find that there will be areas where it’s completely worn through and may be missing larger pieces. Also there may be areas where it’s still a continuous membrane but has become unattached to the concrete below.

Any moldy and general dirty areas can be easily addressed as part of the surface preparation.

However many issues will not be easily understood until the pool is empty.

Such pools are prepared with attention to detail. We will provide you with a guide and talk you through the process of preparation. 


There can be very complex issues with lined pools that will require considerable investment to fix. So proper inspection by a professional maybe be the best start. Our experience tells us that most contractors would not touch badly damaged lined pools due to complexity of the project.  In any case take your time,  do your research.  We are only a phone call away to offer guidance.

If you need further guidance contact Hitchins Technologies Pty Ltd